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Mind Over WOD – Think like an athlete


Mind Over WOD – Think like an athlete

You need 3 things to develop the mind of an athlete:

1. Self-Improvement

2. Motivation

3. Fear Conquering


In order to keep developing, you must set goals regularly. Consciously determine exactly what you want, why you want it, and the steps you’ll take to achieve it.

Defining specific goals is imperative! To become more fit, happier, or healthier are not specific enough. Instead, you might commit to learning a new skill, participating in social networking, or joining a local competition.

Your goal needs to be measurable and attainable: if you can’t measure it, you can’t manage it. You want to be able to see change occur and honour your progress! Part of what determines the measurability of a goal is whether or not it’s obtainable. You should be challenged enough that personal discipline is required, but not so much that you experience ongoing frustration. You want to be inspired to give it your best shot! Ensure that your goals are realistic, not to be confused with “easy.” Realistic means the skills you need to do the work are available and the project fits with your overall strategy and daily life. Then set a time-frame. If you don’t time it, you won’t know when to celebrate!

  Now that you have determined your goal the next step is to talk strategy. The more strategies you have the better chance of success!

2. Motivation:

To create the mind of an athlete, seek and nurture your intrinsic motivation. This is the kind of motivation that keeps you coming back for more. To enhance it, be aware of the following three basic needs:

Autonomy: this is something you have chosen for yourself.

Competence: you’re noticing progress and believe that you’re going somewhere.

Relatedness: you feel a part of something; you’re related in some way to a community of people.


 3. Fear Conquering

You must first know what your fears are and where they came from! Pay attention to situations that make you uncomfortable. Oftentimes our fears are irrational. When we challenge this irrationality by questioning it, we can then override the fear.

Ask yourself, “Is this fear realistic?”

Introspection is imperative when developing the mind of an athlete. Write down your thoughts. Ask these types of questions and answer them! This requires time and commitment.

As with anything in life that’s worth doing, dedication, discipline and the willingness to keep growing are necessary measures. No matter what happens, keep seeking improvement, and never give up.

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